“Goosefeathers!” is a high-energy comedy is inspired by the characters, the situations and the lazzi (gags) of the Italian commedia dell’arte: the clever servant Pedrolino, his bumbling fellow-servant Arlecchino, his surly master Pantalone, the boastful Captain Braggadocio, and so on. This farcical tale of a ruby ring, a gold coin and a gaggle of geese is made even more hilarious by a special bit of theatrical magic: all seven characters in this fast-paced comedy are played by only three actors, which means that the frantic onstage action is complemented by some fancy quick-change action in the wings.
Listen to the songs from “Goosefeathers!” in the audio player on this page, and click here to read the script or the fact sheet.
The video is from a developmental workshop of “Goosefeathers!” produced by MusiCoLab in August 2023. That workshop was directed by John Bellomo and music-directed by Linda Henderson; the cast was Chelsea Cylinder, Kirk German and Henry Glejzer.